New Hobby


A few weeks ago, after having a some drinks at a friend’s house, James was driving me home.  We entered my neighbourhood at about midnight and passed by a busier corner a few blocks from my house.  On the front yard of a house on this busier corner rested an abandoned chair; one that was free to whoever wanted it or it would go to the dump.  Well, I could not pass up this opportunity.  I asked James to stop and he helped me load it into my trunk. 

“Are you sure you want this?” He asked, and I said “Yes, I’m Sure.”

It smelt a little like cigarettes but I planned on swapping the cushions off the wooden frame anyways.  James dropped me and my new prize off at my house and I brought it right down into my basement.  I couldn’t let my parents see it cause they wouldn’t be happy I was bringing garbage in off the street, even if it was for my basement TV room.  A few weeks past with it in my hiding spot. I kind of forgot about it and my parents never saw it.  I certainly never got any new cushions for it.  It was getting nearer the end of the summer and I knew I couldn’t have my parents find it while I was off at school, so I had to change plans.  I got a closer look at the chair in some better lighting and it wasn’t that nice:  a bulky, wooden rocker with springs under the butt and two arm rests.  It wasn’t the lounger style I was hoping for.  I loaded the beast in the trunk of my minivan while my parents were elsewhere and kept it there as I went about my day, hoping I would be out late that night. Sure enough, that same day, I was driving home from a friends house at about one in the morning. I whipped up to the house on the busier corner and dropped the chair off right where I grabbed it. 

I would love to have heard the conversation that occurred the following morning.

You’re Welcome,

B.F Greeno, aka,

About the author

Benny Greeno
By Benny Greeno

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