I have heard some of the dumbest things of my life come from mouths of my friend group, myself included. We seem to be a free gumball-machine of idiotic ideas, that breaks open once there is more than two of us together. The proposition and resultant events told below are no exceptions to this trend. The neat thing about dumb ideas though, is that they have a really great return rate for...
The Cushion Competition
Like most people, I appreciate a challenge. In fact, for me, I sometimes only step up when I’m challenged on something. And sometimes, because of being challenged, I take it too far. During the summer of 2013, four of my friends on the swim team and myself challenged each other to a weight gaining competition during the two month training hiatus of July and August. We wanted the challenge...
Facebook Poke to Facebook Burn
I would like to think that, if I focus on it, I can be quite proficient in the spelling and grammar used in my writing. I don’t think people like grammar nazis that much. If they do, they gave them a twisted title of endearment. When it comes down to it, I might be a bit of a grammar nazi, even if it’s just in my own head. I recently remembered a traumatic experience that may have...
$2.92 Per Hour
Three years ago, in the summer of 2014, I was deeply infatuated. Infatuation is a dangerous affliction as it can lead to some irrational and unadvisable decisions. The source of my bewitchment was a woman. Let’s call her Charlotte. I viewed her for the longest time with only futile idolization. Like a boy views his female camp counsellor or swim instructor. It was a “if only I...
School Runnings
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post but I was recently reminded of a story from a couple years ago. My friend Nick paid me a visit and told me about the time he and James went exploring in our high school after hours. They were out for a late night bike cruise when they decided to go see if they could get on top of our high school, to take some pictures. After leaving the bikes at the...
A Painful Lesson in Physics
My family has a cottage that we love to go to every summer. It’s two hours north of where we live and rests on a quite developed lake but it is still a beautiful area. The best part of owning a cottage is being able to share the picturesque landscape and potential for activities with friends and family. One week I had a couple of friends up, and it was a great time as usual, except of one thing...
New Hobby
A few weeks ago, after having a some drinks at a friend’s house, James was driving me home. We entered my neighbourhood at about midnight and passed by a busier corner a few blocks from my house. On the front yard of a house on this busier corner rested an abandoned chair; one that was free to whoever wanted it or it would go to the dump. Well, I could not pass up this opportunity. I asked...
You Pay Me After That
Good day. It has been a while and I can’t properly excuse my absence so I’ll just jump into a story: A couple of years ago I was biking downtown to meet a girl at our city’s most famous landmark. Well that’s where I thought we were meeting because of the text that said: “that place we went that one time down by the water.” But we were thinking of two...
Eau, Naturel
This story is almost one where you had to be there but I hope you’ll be able to experience the shame that my friend Pierce and I had to endure. You see, Pierce and I both hold a deep passion for showers and showering. In February of this year, we were at swimming meet where, on one day of the competition, we both had no events to compete in. So, what we decided to do while the rest of the...
Flee, Free
I was talking with James recently, reminiscing about some of our best tales. He told me about another risky evening, during his hoodlum period of last year. It was in the spring with a couple mutual friends. Thankfully I wasn’t involved in this act of misconduct, but it did sound exciting so that’s why it is featured here. It only happened a month or so after returning from his...