
Tuck and Roll

The story that comes to mind today is another tale of Pierce and his friend up to no good, this time during March break, 2014.  His friend, in this story, is named James.  Pierce was again tagging along with a friend and his family.  The whole party was James, his mother, his father, family friends consisting of a father a mother and a daughter, then, of course, Peirce.  And although Pierce...

Bare and Blind

Half-naked women, hot saunas, summer freedom. That’s what I can promise you with this story. My friend Pierce and I were at my cottage this past summer. He was up visiting me for the weekend, early in July. On the Friday night of his stay, we were invited to a neighbour’s cottage for dinner. Summer dinners are very late for my family, sometimes not starting until 9 o’clock, and...

Escaping… Bathroom

A friendly, two-story cottage on Bella Lake in Huntsville, Ontario, many years ago. I was probably 11 years old and this was my families first time visiting this cottage. Our family friends were the renters and had invited us up to join them for the weekend. This story is shorter than the last one, because I don’t remember all the details, but let’s jump to what I do remember. The...

Escaping Awkwardness

A story finally put on paper. Famous amongst my close friends and a treat to any new person to hear it. It’s truthful and worth the read. It avoids the direct topic of handkerchiefs but I’m sure I had one in my pocket through the whole thing; At the time of this tale I was involved with a girl older than myself. Looking back on it now, I probably adored this girl more than the rest...


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